5 Easy Tips to Green Your Next Event

water station

I have to say, ever since writing ‘4 Easy Steps to Plan a Green Event’ my guilty conscience has gone way up.  Basically, I feel guilty taking long showers and wasting water, forgetting my re-usable coffee cup when going to the coffee shop, using individual packets of sugar at the coffee shop, drinking out of individual plastic water bottles at meetings, and the list keeps growing.

The process of researching definitely opened my eyes, and as you delve deeper into this topic you will definitely start making changes to your life, work-life and event production.

Below are five easy tips to get you started with an eco-friendly event.  Please don’t think you have to do them all, just start somewhere.

eco friendly hotel


Venue selection is obviously an important part of every event.  Life gets easier when the venue already has a beautiful façade that doesn’t require much decorating, has rental equipment, lighting and audio/visual.  However, there are a couple factors in choosing a good eco-friendly venue.

First, a venue that already has eco-friendly practices in place.  Their websites will list what they do and any certification earned.  This could be in the realm of renewable power, energy efficient facilities, waste reduction measures, and more.

Secondly, consider the location of the venue.  The point is to reduce driving to/from the venue for attendees.  So make sure the venue is near public transit or walkable or bikeable from their starting point.

virtual meeting


The monthly planning meetings for an event are a big waste producer (and really a time-sucker too).  Think about how every single person will drive separately to/from the meetings.  Agenda’s and back-up documents will be printed to be left behind or just thrown in the waste bin when they get back to their office.  As well as, food and beverage may be provided with the excess thrown away.

A better solution is to hold video meetings or basic conference calls for the monthly planning meetings.

Batch the in-person meetings; this means hold a site walk through with the venue, the meeting with all event vendors (aka production meeting) to discuss the set-up and tear-down, and hold the event staff training all on one day at the venue.  It will take some scheduling to make it happen, but early scheduling can make it happen. 

Think about all the time and money saved not driving to/from all those meetings.

waste management receptacles


As soon as you figure out the venue, you need to talk with the waste management provider.   This is where you find out what they can recycle, compost or goes to landfill (aka trash heaps).  Below are questions to ask.

  • What plastic recycling numbers can they recycle in their facility (usually they recycle #1 & #2, sometimes other numbers…the scale goes up to #7)?

  • What else do they recycle – paper, glass, tin, etc.?  Do they need to be cleaned and labels removed?

  • Do they compost food (i.e. the scraps and leftovers from the catering, coffee grounds, etc.)?  If so, can you get a list of items (it’s probably listed on their website). 

  • Can they compost corn-based plastic cups, plates, utensils?  These can only be composted in an industrial facility at very high temperatures, and not every waste manager can do this.

eco friendly eating utensils


Unless you have the budget to rent glassware, plates eating utensils and those swanky fine linen napkins, you’re going to be purchasing disposables for any meals or snacks. 

With that in mind, you should purchase disposable items that can be recycled or composted.  Since you’ve already chatted with the waste management provider, you should know what to buy.  Obviously for events it’s better to buy in bulk as there is less packaging and below is a list of some websites that have eco-friendly products.

* These websites are for your convenience and not an endorsement.

water carafe


This one requires the double exclamation point.  Please, end the use of water bottles where guests take one sip out of the bottle set it down, forget about it and walk away.  This means wasted water and plastic that may or may not be recycled. 

A great solution is a water station or rented water fountain. 

Several venues might have water fountains already installed and some fountains are specifically just for refilling water bottles.  Promote this and ask attendees to bring their refillable water bottle (all the top festivals are doing it - so it’s not a big ask). Also it could be a great chance for a branded giveaway to attendees.

Another Super-Pretty option is a beautiful water station (see pic above), it tempts people to drink it, especially with the fruits and herbs infused in the water. 

Hydration is always a good thing.  Especially if it helps you get out of an awkward conversation to go to the restroom (we’ve all done it).

So there you go, five tips to produce a more eco-friendly event. Please comment below of other tips you have implemented into your events and how it worked out for you.  Crowd-sourcing information helps everyone.

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