5 Easy Tips to Green Your Next Event
I have to say, ever since writing ‘4 Easy Steps to Plan a Green Event’ my guilty conscience has gone way up. Basically, I feel guilty taking long showers and wasting water, forgetting my re-usable coffee cup when going to the coffee shop, using individual packets of sugar at the coffee shop, drinking out of individual plastic water bottles at meetings, and the list keeps growing.
The process of researching definitely opened my eyes, and as you delve deeper into this topic you will definitely start making changes to your life, work-life and event production.
Below are five easy tips to get you started with an eco-friendly event. Please don’t think you have to do them all, just start somewhere.
So there you go, five tips to produce a more eco-friendly event. Please comment below of other tips you have implemented into your events and how it worked out for you. Crowd-sourcing information helps everyone.
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